Today has been a very sad day for all the journalists and gallery staff at BBC South Today Oxford.
I worked on the lead story tonight and the outside broadcast from Upper Heyford.
I have worked for this station as a regular freelance cameraman since January 2016 and it employs 18 staff.
As of Monday news for the Oxfordshire area will be broadcast from Southampton as part of their main 30 minute programme that mainly covers the South of England. Just one journalist will be retained in the Oxfordshire area.
You can read more about why this has happened and read about BBC Oxford News' history on a previous blog I have written here.
I have filmed many stories for the programme from working on Royal rota filming HRH The Princess of Wales to BBC Countryfile.
I will remember climbing the hundreds of steps of the Magdalen tower for May Morning, filming the Didcot cooling towers being demolished, and covering the tragic murder of PC Andrew Harper on many occasions.

The team at Oxford have been great fun to work with and I have learn't a lot over the years.
News in the Oxford area will not be the same without them.

You can watch the whole final programme below.
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