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Parole Hearing Set For Highworth Murderer Glyn Razzell - Linda Razzell Case

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

Last February I covered and broke the story of a new Police search for missing Highworth Woman Linda Razzell. Her husband Glyn was found guilty of her murder and has been in prison despite her body never being found.

See all my video coverage and more info here.

Today Tom Seaward of the Swindon Advertiser, our local newspaper, has reported the following.

Linda Razzell’s former boyfriend has told her killer he must show remorse if he wants to be freed.

Greg Worrall’s comments came as Glyn Razzell, sentenced to a minimum of 16 years behind bars for murdering the mum-of-four in 2002, mounted a bid to be released on licence as early as next month.

The 60-year-old has a Parole Board hearing on May 12, which will decide whether he still poses a risk to the public or if he can be freed on licence. The board’s decision will be known later in May.

Mr Worrall, who still lives in Highworth, told the Adver last night: “He’s never shown any remorse, which is a criteria for parole. If he wants to show remorse he’s got to stop saying he didn’t do it, turn up a body and allow her children a funeral.”

He said keeping the killer in prison could save lives. “Not because he is a danger but because it would make others think. Jail has got to be a deterrent,” he said.

The 61-year-old, who was in his early 40s when Linda disappeared, said they had planned to marry as soon as she had divorced Razzell. She was wearing his engagement ring when she disappeared.

“She was lovely,” he said. “We both had bad relationships before and we agreed there was no love without respect.

“We’d written out our vows. It would be ‘love, honour and respect’. There’s no honour without respect and Razzell never respected women.”

The Parole Board will tell Razzell by May 22 whether he will be granted parole. A spokesman said: “The panel will carefully look at a whole range of evidence, including details of the original case, and any evidence of behaviour change. We do that with great care and public safety is our number one priority.”

MPs are currently debating a Bill, known as Helen's Law, that would make it a statutory requirement for the Parole Board to take into account whether murderers applying to be released on licence have revealed where there victims' remains were left. While the draft law has made it passed the House of Commons, it is not clear if it will be signed into law before Razzell's case is heard by the Board.

I live in Highworth so if you need any coverage of this case please do get in touch.

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